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JTPeers Experts & JTP Knowledge Hub

Mostafa Hasaneen

EMostafa Hasaneen is an energy expert at the RCREEE. He is an expert in the development of sustainable energy strategies and action plans in addition to the design and implementation tools for sustainable cooling action plans.

Profile picture of Mostafa Hasaneen
Field of expertise
  • Project identification and development
  • Capacity building for key stakeholders
  • Stakeholder mobilisation
  • Clean and affordable energy
  • Decarbonisation of industry
  • Research and innovation
Country of residence
  • Egypt
  • English
  • Arabic

Mostafa Hasaneen is an energy expert at the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). He is an expert in the development of sustainable energy strategies and action plans in addition to the design and implementation tools for sustainable cooling action plans. In addition, he has deep experience in carrying out the greenhouse gases (GHG) inventory of energy projects, and power system analysis including assessing renewables integration, flexible generation options, and sector-coupling technologies. So far, his work has focused on the MENA region, but his topical expertise can be of high value for JTF territories in the EU interested in pursuing sustainable energy and cooling JTF projects.

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