Matthias Diehm - European Commission Skip to main content
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JTPeers Experts & JTP Knowledge Hub

Matthias Diehm

Matthias Diehm is an expert in administrative processes relating to the Just Transition Fund. He has experience in working with stakeholders, deriving an intervention logic for the TJTP and in developing project selection criteria and guidelines.

Profile picture of Matthias Diehm
Field of expertise
  • Project identification and development
  • Awareness-raising and communication
  • Governance of TJTP implementation
  • Cross-border cooperation
  • Circular economy
  • Social inclusion
Country of residence
  • Germany
  • English
  • German
Regional experience
  • Mitteldeutsches Revier Sachsen-Anhalt

Matthias Diehm is an expert in administrative processes relating to the Just Transition Fund. As JTF consultant in the regional administration of the Central German Lignite Region of Saxony-Anhalt, he has provided strategic support and coordinated the process of creating the framework conditions for the implementation of the JTF from the very beginning. He has experience in working with stakeholders, deriving an intervention logic for the TJTP and in developing project selection criteria and guidelines for the implementation of JTF measures. In addition to his strategic-administrative expertise regarding the JTF, he has particular expertise in the area of the New European Bauhaus (NEB), where he was involved in the development of a NEB funding scheme within the JTF. The NEB funding aims to support holistic projects that help bridging the gap between science and technology, art and culture, to address complex societal challenges and improve sustainability of projects. From the construction sector to neighbourhood development.

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