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JTPeers Experts & JTP Knowledge Hub

Lukas Hermwille

Lukas Hermwille coordinates research activities on transformative industrial policy at the Wuppertal Institute. His expertise lies in the dynamics of transitioning energy and emission-intensive industries across multifaceted governance structures.

Profile picture of Lukas Hermwille
Field of expertise
  • Capacity building for key stakeholders
  • Governance of TJTP implementation
  • Cross-border cooperation
  • Decarbonisation of industry
  • Research and innovation
  • Social inclusion
Country of residence
  • Germany
  • English
  • German
Regional experience
  • Rheinisches Revier
  • Western Macedonia
  • Ida-Virumaa
  • Silesia

Lukas Hermwille coordinates research activities on transformative industrial policy at the Wuppertal Institute. His expertise lies in the intricate dynamics of transitioning energy and emission-intensive industries across multifaceted governance structures. Through his role in the CINTRAN project, Lukas Hermwille led in-depth analyses into policy narratives, focusing on the nuanced dimensions of injustices and encompassing social policies and gender considerations.

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