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JTPeers Experts & JTP Knowledge Hub

Claire Nauwelaers

Claire is an expert in economic and territorial development, focusing on green transition, strategic planning, and JTF policy. She supports regional authorities in capacity building and climate mitigation.

Claire Nauwelaers
Field of expertise
  • Capacity building for key stakeholders
  • Circular economy
  • Cross-border cooperation
  • Decarbonisation of industry
  • Digitalisation and digital connectivity
  • Governance of TJTP implementation
  • Green economic diversification
  • Project identification and development
  • Research and innovation
  • Stakeholder mobilisation
Country of residence
  • Belgium
  • English
  • French
  • Dutch
Regional experience
  • Arrondissements de Tournai, Mons et Charleroi
  • Groningen and Groot Rijnmond
  • Zeeuws-Vlaanderen
  • Nord pas de Calais
  • Bouches-du-Rhône
  • Western Macedonia
  • Médio Tejo
  • Lapland

Claire is an independent expert, formerly working as researcher at universities (BE, NL) and at OECD. She has 40 years of experience in providing evidence-based advice to decision-makers on economic and territorial development policies, in the frame of EU-funded projects and assignments. 

She has been involved in preparing or assessing regional innovation strategies and concrete implementation actions under the angle of green transition in JTF territories in FR, BE, NL, FI and GR, in most cases in the frame of Cohesion policy programmes. She is supporting regional authorities in building capacity to define strategic objectives and policy mixes to achieve economic development goals and to escape lock-ins in their industrial and green transition paths. She is knowledgeable in climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. 

She is also experienced in the design and operationalisation of interregional cooperation programmes and projects and in supporting peer learning and transfer of experiences across territories. Claire has conducted multiple projects focusing on the design and evaluation of specific instruments, such as clusters, science parks, incubators, cooperative funding programs, etc. and assisted regions in the establishment of monitoring and evaluation systems for their policies.

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