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JTPeers Experts & JTP Knowledge Hub

Andreja Šeperac

Andreja is the director of the Regional Coordinator of Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia. She played a key role in introducing the JTF and also works at the PISMO gaming incubator, managing the "Center of Gaming Industry" project.

Andreja Šeperac
Field of expertise
  • Project identification and development
  • Stakeholder mobilisation
  • Cross-border cooperation
  • Up- and reskilling of workers
  • Research and innovation
  • Digitalisation and digital connectivity
Country of residence
  • Croatia
  • English
  • Croatian
  • German
Regional experience
  • Sisak-Moslavina
  • Ida-Virumaa
  • Karlový Vary

Andreja is the director of Regional coordinator of Sisak-Moslavina County in Croatia. When the JTF was introduced in Croatia, she has worked with a team of the Ministry for Regional Development on identifying projects, creating the TJTP, communicating with private sectors and identifying needs.

She is well connected to the local and regional community in Sisak-Moslavina County and with national institutions. Further, Andreja teaches the preparation and implementation of EU projects and is working in the gaming incubator PISMO, searching for investors for start ups and their projects (mainly video games), promoting incubator organising various events.

Also, she manages a project „Center of gaming industry“ worth over 60 mln € in which a future gaming campus will be built with university, student dorm, accelerator and incubator.

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