Petr Osvald - European Commission Skip to main content
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Petr Osvald

Petr Osvald is a member of the high-level specialist group on the future of cohesion policy established by the European Commission. He has practical comprehensive experience from all the level of government: local, regional, national and EU.

Profile picture of Petr Osvald
Field of expertise
  • Capacity building for key stakeholders
  • Governance of TJTP implementation
  • Cross-border cooperation
  • Green economic diversification
  • Research and innovation
Country of residence
  • Czechia
  • English
  • Czech
  • Russian
Regional experience
  • Karlový Vary

Petr Osvald is a member of the high-level specialist group on the future of cohesion policy established by the European Commission. He also acted as Deputy Minister for Regional Development of the Czech Republic in the temporary expert government. Petr’s main idea is to create synergies and, given his university background (Industrial Electronics), he believes that systems must work as a complex. He has practical comprehensive experience on all governmental levels: local, regional, national and EU. He has been involved in the process and idea of integrated territorial interventions since the early beginning of the concept, and he was also consulting DG REGIO in the process of preparing the Czech TJTP. Petr has been a member of the European Committee of the Regions in different positions for 13 years. During the work in the Committee of the Regions, he was mainly concerned with integrated approaches, European Territorial Cooperation (including EGTC), simplification of the funds and information in the multilevel transport. Overall, Petr is experienced in governance, regional collaboration, and EU cohesion policy, having participated in diverse European programmes since 2002.

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