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Paola Amato

Paola is a consultant for the EUAA in Spain and an expert in clean energy and raw materials. She supported climate adaptation for Italian cities with the Covenant of Mayors and has expertise in circular economy, clean energy, and EU project funds.

Paola Amato
Field of expertise
  • Project identification and development
  • Capacity building for key stakeholders
  • Stakeholder mobilisation
  • Circular economy
  • Clean and affordable energy
  • Research and innovation
Country of residence
  • Italy
  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Regional experience
  • Japan
  • Spain
  • Cyprus
  • China
  • Korea
  • Indonesia
  • South Africa

Paola is an international consultant, currently working as an externally contracted expert for the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) Spain, and a contracted HSBooster expert in clean energy (hydrogen) and raw materials.

Between 2020 and 2023, she was a governance and funding expert for the Covenant of Mayors where she supported three Italian cities in identifying and implementing climate adaptation measures.

She was also a member of the REGIO Community of Practitioners (CoPs) where she advised on State Aid and the ERDF. Further, she has expertise in circular economy, clean and affordable energy and research and innovation. While she has no prior experience in JTF territories or JTF implementation, she has vast experience with EU projects funds related to cohesion policy and the energy transition.

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